An initiative of Körber

Supply Chain Benchmarking

Labor Engagement

Combatting labor challenges to create an engaged and productive workforce

Combat labor challenges to create an engaged and productive workforce

Technology enables and supports workers

Finding and retaining labor is one of the biggest challenges today’s supply chains face. It is a job seeker’s market, as businesses struggle to fill vacancies to keep their warehouses and transportation networks running smoothly.

Supply chain organizations across industries need to rethink labor management – from boosting motivation to reduce turnover, to training temporary employees for success during peak seasons, to complying with continually changing health & safety guidelines – all while improving productivity.

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Key takeaways

What the survey shows, and what we can learn from it

Only 37% of respondents have sufficient staff

Only 37% of respondents have sufficient staff

Hiring and retaining employees remains a key challenge for businesses, but leading organizations are in better shape - 89% have enough staff

22% of leaders, but only 3% of advanced organizations, can fully onboard employees in a day or les

versus 3% of advanced supply chains can fully onboard employees in a day or less

With short onboarding and training times, leading organizations face fewer delays before employees become fully productive

86% of leading organizations achieve their warehouse safety goals, as opposed to only 29% of advanced organizations

achieve their warehouse safety goals, as opposed to only 29% of advanced organizations

Employee health and comfort is critical to reducing churn, and leading organizations are significantly ahead

Getting started

It is increasingly difficult to attract workers into an environment that can be both physically demanding, and occasionally dangerous. Creating a safe, engaging workplace will enable supply chain managers to retain and motivate their staff.

Voice-directed technology enables workers to complete their work purely through voice-driven commands. They can focus on the task at hand, and can work faster and more accurately. It also shortens training times and improves worker safety as employees are more aware of their environment.

Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) are most commonly used to help organizations rapidly scale to meet peak demands. They take on many movement tasks, and reduce workers’ travel time around the warehouse, to increase workflow productivity and order throughput. AMRs also reduce the probability of accidents while workers move around the warehouse.

Many typical warehouse tasks involve bending, turning and lifting movements that increase the probability of repetitive strain injuries and fatigue-related accidents. Both AMR and material handling equipment can perform many of these physical tasks, to improve workplace ergonomics and safety.

Gamification is a fairly recent, but highly promising solution to increase motivation. It uses game mechanics to digitally engage and motivate people, for example with goal-setting, leaderboards, and virtual incentives. Gamification apps run on common mobile devices and resonate well with staff, especially with tech-savvy, younger workers.

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About the supply chain benchmarking report

In late 2021, Körber Supply Chain commissioned international strategy consultancy Roland Berger to survey supply chain professionals across North America and Europe. Its goal was to benchmark the progress that companies are making against the six complexity factors. Based on their survey responses, respondents were grouped into four maturity levels:

About the report